Washington Real Estate Continuing Education
Complete the continuing education to renew your Washinton real estate license today. All of our courses can be completed At Your Pace online in order to help you maintain your license. Once you complete your class you will have an official certificate of completion available to print or save for your records.
We are approved by the Washington Real Estate Commission to offer online CE courses (Provider # S1788).
Washington 15 Hour Elective Package
This 15 Hour Real Estate CE Package is approved by the Washington Real Estate Commission and will fulfill 15 Elective credits for your license renewal.
Washington 12 Hour General Real Estate Concepts Package
This 12 hour package of educational content is designed to provide Washington real estate professionals with an overview of important topics and concepts. This package covers topics such as ethics, errors and omissions, agency, listings, leases, sale agreements, property titles, encumbrances, deeds, and the use and assessment of state taxes.
Washington 8 Hour Real Property, Property Management, and Foreclosure
This 8 hour package of educational content is designed to provide Washington real estate professionals with an overview of important topics and concepts related to the ownership and management of real property. This package covers topics such as basic property law, legal descriptions of property, land use controls, valuation of property, taxation of property, investment in real estate, property management, and the foreclosure process.
Washington 7 Hour Business Practices Package
This 7 hour package of educational content is designed to provide Washington real estate professionals with an overview of important topics and concepts related to the management of a real estate business. This topics covered in this package generally fall into three areas: management of real estate business, recordkeeping, and safety when showing a property.
Washington Real Estate License Renewal Dates and Continuing Education Requirements
Most Washington state brokers are required to renew their licenses every two years, with the option to renew up to 120 days before the license expires.
As of June 1, 2023, all brokers and managing brokers must complete a 6-hour fair housing course for their first active renewal and a 3-hour fair housing course for subsequent renewals.
CE Renewal for Brokers
Real estate brokers seeking their first renewal must complete:
- At least 90 hours of continuing education (CE) credits upon their first license renewal, including:
- One 30-hour advanced practices course
- One 30-hour real estate law course
- One 3-hour Current Issues in WA Residential Real Estate Course
- 27 hours of other approved (CE) hours
Subsequent active renewals
For subsequent license renewals, active brokers must:
- Complete at least 30 hours of training, including:
- One 3-hour Current Issues in Washington Residential Real Estate course
- One 3-hour Washington Real Estate Fair Housing Course
- At least 24 hours of other approved CE
Of these hours, 15 must be completed within 24 months of your renewal date. You may also use up to 15 hours of unused CE credits if completed within 48 months of your renewal date.
Inactive renewals
There is no CE requirement for renewing an inactive license. To reactivate an inactive license, you may need to meet the education requirements for an active license.
Email realestate@dol.wa.gov to see if you need to complete education before applying to activate your license.
CE Renewal for Managing Brokers
Managing brokers with an active license must complete at least 30 hours of CE credits during every license renewal period, including:
- 3-hour Current Issues in Washington Residential Real Estate Course
- 3-hour Washington Real Estate Fair Housing
- 24 hours of other approved CE
At least 15 hours of CE must be completed within 24 months of your renewal date.
Up to 15 hours of CE credit may be carried over from the previous renewal period as long as the credits were completed within 48 months of your renewal date. All CE hours must be completed after the date of first licensure as a managing broker.