Late CE: 8 Hour SAFE Core and California-DFPI Law 2024 MLO Package (16203 & 16206)
8 Hour Course
- $99.00
This course is designed to address your 2024 Late CE needs.
This package consists of two individual courses.
7-Hour SAFE Core 2024 MLO Course
All licensed and registered mortgage loan originators are required to take seven hours of standard annual renewal education. Three modules comprise this series, each focusing on a major topic area.
The first module of the course is about sweeping laws and rules that apply to mortgage loans and mortgage loan originators across the country. A review of the SAFE Act, Regulation Z, and the ECOA is illustrated through 10 common rule and law violations made by MLOs as selected by the Multi-State Mortgage Committee as required topics to be covered in 2024 core continuing education classes.
The second module deals with ethical considerations and consumer protection. A discussion of business ethics and the duties that apply to financial services professionals start us off. Then, topics related to consumer protection and the requirements under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) take center stage. The promotion of fair lending practices are emphasized. After that, the current state of mortgage fraud in the United States is addressed, and we will examine ways to identify and deter predatory lending schemes and other types of mortgage fraud.
The third module looks at a variety of non-traditional mortgage loan products and the increased risks and scrutiny that accompany most alternatives to the 30-year fixed rate mortgage loan. We will examine adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs), reverse mortgages, high-cost and higher-priced mortgage loans, counseling requirements, and information on lending standards. Other types of loans and financing options are also considered, including government programs and owner financing.
Each module will be followed by an assessment and quiz portion that begins with an activity in which students will read a short case scenario then answer questions based on what was just covered in that section of the course. A 25 question final exam will conclude the seven-hour course.
1-hour CA SAFE 2024 State Law Course
The second, 1-hour continuing education course is intended for California Mortgage Loan Originators who must complete eight (8) hours of NMLS-approved CE annually, to consist of:
- 3 Hours of Federal Law;
- 2 Hours of Ethics;
- 2 Hours of Non-Traditional Mortgage Lending; plus
- 1 Hour of State-Specific Education (referred to as an elective)
This course satisfies the 1 Hour State Elective CE requirement fulfilling the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DPFI) mandate for MLOs seeking to renew their license. In this course, we will explore the laws and regulations pertinent to California mortgage loan origination such as the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act (CRMLA), the California Financial Code and California Financing Law. Topics include agency relationships, legal concepts relating to agency and actual authority, and recent legislative updates and court cases.
To begin, we will provide a review of the state's regulatory structure and departmental authorities, followed by a discussion of the state-specific laws governing mortgage activities in the state. This includes the California Homeowner Bill of Rights and the CRMLA. From there we'll introduce the concept of agency relationships referencing portions of the California Code.
After that, we will dive further into agency as well as the closely linked idea of fiduciary duties and how they combine in our field. We will conclude with several case studies illustrating the potential legal and financial implications for California mortgage lenders who charge illegitimate fees or excess interest on loans.
To promote comprehension, students will complete a 5-question quiz and short activity after each module. A 15-question final exam will wrap up the course.
Show Course ID: 1
- Course ID(s): 16731, 16732
- Approved By: NMLS
Instructor Bio

Mary Tillery is the instructor for all of our MLO continuing education courses. She has been sharing her expertise with fellow mortgage loan originators for more than 35 years as a lending educator. Learn more about Mary’s background here.