
Florida Real Estate Law Update 2024

  • 3 Hour Course
  • 4.5 48 Reviews
  • $9.00

The Florida 3 Hour CORE Law Update course will cover selected important updates to the law in the past year and important topics from 2023,  and how they affect the real estate industry. The course is approved for 3 hours of continuing education for Florida Licensed real estate professionals by the Florida Real Estate Commission. In this course, we examine recent changes and additions which provide additional protections for the parties in a real estate transaction. The course also provides material on important legislation for licensees, including different legal systems in the United States, Florida changes to law, and a deep exploration of important laws and rules for real estate professionals..

The course begins with a review of legal structure in America, and in the state of Florida as well. It also examines the role and function of the Florida Real Estate Commission and its interaction with real estate professionals in our state.

From there, we begin to look at recent various law changes and updates that affect the real estate industry, beginning with Florida license law, its purpose, and how different types of real estate licenses may be obtained. This portion of the course continues with a look at the Florida Real Estate Commission, or FREC and its authority in the state. Continuing, chapter 475 of the Florida Administrative Code is reviewed, including how the code affects licensees, the role of the code, additional Florida statutory additions and revisions to licensing, and how licensees interact with consumers.

New legislation is thoroughly explained, and provides an emphasis on recent law additions, such as milestone inspection changes, Senate Bill 4-D, the “Glitch Bill, Senate Bill 264, related to property purchases in Florida by those with an interest in foreign countries and House Bill 1419, which relate to real property fraud and fraudulent deeds.

Moving forward, the next portion of the course details various notification processes and requirements, including important definitions, monitoring of identities, court clerk mandated reporting, committee amendments, quiet title legislation and quitclaim deeds, and address recording requirements. 

The course dives heavily into administrative law changes that affect real estate licensees, including changes to broker requirements, escrow disqualifications, implicit bias training, and changes to homeowner association laws and rules. This section includes material on accessory dwelling units and similar changes and additions to dwellings now permissible under law. The section continues with information on landlord-tenant law changes and revisions, sales transactions, mobile home parks and manager training, and specific property tax law changes and disclosures.

Miya’s law is addressed, including its purpose and creation, Senate Bill 102 related to the Florida “Live Local” Act and affordable housing opportunities in the state. The section also delves into local government changes that have been affected by other state law changes, and a discussion of various tax issues.

The final sections of the course address new laws and rules surrounding residential loan alternative agreements, how they have been abused, and the revisions and changes to law regarding these agreements. Case law studies are included for context and rationale. Non-Title Recorded Agreement for Personal Services, or “NTRAPS” are discussed, including Florida’s revisions to their use, as well as estoppel certificates and how they should legally be handled. Lis Pendens are explored, including a recent case study illustrating proper and improper use of Lis Pendens. Finally, this part of the lesson discusses title agent law changes, the Homeowner Bill of Rights, and construction liens.

In finishing the course, a revised lesson on the real estate industry and the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, an important part of marketing, telemarketing and a licensee’s success. 


At the conclusion of the course, the student is presented with a 10-question final exam, with alternative exams in the event of failure.

  • Course ID(s): CRS25560
  • Approved By: Florida Dept. of Professional Regulations

Instructor Bio

sheri wytcherley real estate atyourpaceonline

Sheri Wytcherley is the instructor for many of our real estate courses. She is a chart-topping principal broker and has been a passionate real estate educator since 2012. See more details about Sheri's background here.

Course Reviews

48 Reviews