Florida 3 Hr NAR Code of Ethics for Real Estate Professionals
3 Hour Course
- 4.5 201 Reviews
- $9.00
This 3 hour course is intended to provide real estate agents with a detailed education on the National Association of REALTORS® Code of Ethics. This course will examine both the Articles of the Code and disciplinary and dispute resolution processes related to the Code. The intention of this course is to allow real estate agents to understand the important elements of the Code of Ethics and how those elements affect REALTORS® and the real estate industry.
Class Sample
Show Course ID: 1
- Course ID(s): 0020765
- Approved By: Florida Dept. of Professional Regulations
Instructor Bio

Sheri Wytcherley is the instructor for many of our real estate courses. She is a chart-topping principal broker and has been a passionate real estate educator since 2012. See more details about Sheri's background here.