Michigan 6 Hour 2022 Law and Elective Course
6 Hour Course
- 4.7 35 Reviews
- $39.00
This 6-hour Law and Elective course provides insights and updates including the required Michigan 2-Hour 2022 Law Class covering recent developments in real estate-related laws, regulations, and court decisions. Plus, we'll take a look at the legal opinion on discrimination involving sexual orientation or gender identity; managing property rentals; and, ANSI standards for measuring residential properties.
In addition to that crucial piece are three other elective areas covering the required additional four hours for the renewal cycle. These electives provide refresher courses in the critical areas of real estate contracts, errors and omissions professional liability coverage, as well as supervision and management responsibilities of brokers supervising other licensees. Sign up now for this continuing education course fulfilling your license renewal mandate.
Show Course ID: 1
- Course ID(s): 080857
- Approved By: CE Marketplace
Instructor Bio

Sheri Wytcherley is the instructor for many of our real estate courses. She is a chart-topping principal broker and has been a passionate real estate educator since 2012. See more details about Sheri's background here.