Minnesota Fair Housing (1 Hour)
1 Hour Course
- 4.1 17 Reviews
- $10.00
In this 1-hour Minnesota-approved course, we’ll talk about the important issue of fair housing in the real estate industry. This will begin with some background on the types of discriminatory behavior that led to the idea of fair housing rules.
We’ll cover some of the most significant fair housing legislation over the last century, and what it means for the real estate profession. Fair housing rules ultimately benefit the real estate industry and society, and we’ll spend some time talking about how.
We’ll take a look at the Fair Housing Act, one of the most important pieces of fair housing legislation, and what it covers, before we look at some other civil rights laws that impact the availability of fair housing for everyone.
At the end of this class students will be able to understand the basic terminology of fair housing, recognize the various unfair housing practices that have been used in the past, explain the history behind fair housing, understand the impact that fair housing has had on the real estate market, identify the key aspects of the fair housing act, explain how other federal civil rights laws protect real estate customers, and explain how various executive orders protect real estate customers
Show Course ID: 1
- Course ID(s): 1029577
- Approved By: Minnesota Department of Commerce
Instructor Bio

Sheri Wytcherley is the instructor for many of our real estate courses. She is a chart-topping principal broker and has been a passionate real estate educator since 2012. See more details about Sheri's background here.