
New York Real Estate 22.5 Hour Complete CE Course (with Legal Matters)

  • 22.50 Hour Course
  • 4.3 140 Reviews
  • $60.00

This 22.5 hour course fulfills the New York State continuing education requirements for brokers and salespersons real estate license renewal. This course meets the 2 hour agency requirement for salespersons within their first license term and the 1 hour agency requirement for all other licensees renewing. This course also fulfills the following topic requirements: 1 hour of legal matters, 2.5 hours of ethics, 3 hours of fair housing, 2 hours of implicit bias training, and 2 hours of cultural competency training.  

This course is broken into nine major topics: 

  1. Legal matters,
  2. Agency, 
  3. Fair Housing, 
  4. Ethics,  
  5. Implicit bias, 
  6. Cultural competency, 
  7. Brokerage, 
  8. Real estate law, and 
  9. Finance. 

The legal matters section lays out the major real estate-related law changes in New York, and also goes over COVID safety guidelines for real estate professionals. 

The agency section explains common law of agency and agency. 

Under brokerage, topics include advertising, neutral escrows and co-op transactions, financial records and reports, offices and licensees, office policies and procedures, and other professional real estate activities. 

Under Fair Housing, licensees will learn the History of Fair Housing, the definition of Fair Housing, a History of Housing Practices, the Role of Current Laws in Fair Housing, Protected Classes, Risk Management, the Impact of Fair Housing on Real Estate, the Overview and Impact of the Fair Housing Act, Civil Rights Laws that Impact Fair Housing, Executive Orders, Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, Current Issues, and New York Specific Fair Housing Rules. There is also a Fair Housing Practical Exercise that will give licensees some practice discerning Fair Housing compliance and violations using examples that licensees might actually experience in real estate. 

For ethics, we will be looking at various articles from the NAR Code of Ethics and discuss how they apply to everyday activities. 

The section on implicit bias will explain key terms and main concepts to understand regarding implicit bias and how to mitigate unintentional discrimination.* 

The cultural competency training provides a crash course on the main principles and strategies for enhancing cultural diversity, equity, and inclusion. It also offers tools to navigate cross-cultural communication with more ease.* 

For the section on real estate law, the course covers the basics of real property law, legal descriptions, transfer of title, title insurance and escrow, assessment and taxation, and land use controls. 

Under the topic of finance, we will look at valuation, and foreclosure amongst other topics. 

To promote comprehension, the course includes nine incremental exams, with a total of 265 questions (total). 

*Important Note: the subjects of implicit bias and cultural competency are required to renew your license after 9/21/2022. If you do not renew by this date, you will be required to take an approved course, like this one, that covers these topics.

  • Course ID(s): C06721
  • Approved By: New York Department of State, Bureau of Educational Standards

Instructor Bio

sheri wytcherley real estate atyourpaceonline

Sheri Wytcherley is the instructor for many of our real estate courses. She is a chart-topping principal broker and has been a passionate real estate educator since 2012. See more details about Sheri's background here.

Course Reviews

140 Reviews