Deluxe New York Real Estate Salesperson Pre-License Package (77 Hours)
77 Hour Course
- 4.0 7 Reviews
- $149.00
- License Law and Regulations
- License Law and Regulations [23 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to NY RE PL Course (Video)
- 02. New York Licensing Law (Video)
- 03. Key Terms
- 04. Purpose of the Licensing Law
- 05. Responsibilities of Licensure (Video)
- 06. Responsibilities of Licensure
- 07. NAR Code of Ethics (Video)
- 08. Duties Between Licensees
- View Additional Activities
- 09. Educational Requirements, Duties, Exemptions, and Maintaining a License
- 10. Changes of Association, Termination, Dual Licensure, Renewals, and Education
- 11. Regulations Promulgated by the Department of State
- 12. Guidelines on Advertisements
- 13. Common License Violations
- 14. Violations of License Law
- 15. Advertising Violations
- 16. Availing of License Violations
- 17. Bad Checks and Building/Zoning Codes
- 18. Commission and Anti-Kickback Issues
- 19. Unlicensed Assistants Guidelines
- 20. Article 14 - “Property Condition Disclosure Act”
- 21. Disclosure of Uncapped Natural Gas Wells
- 22. Case Studies: Disciplinary Proceedings
- 23. Licensing Summary (Video)
- Quiz 1 (30 questions)
- License Law and Regulations [23 Activities]
- Law of Agency
- Law of Agency [20 Activities]
- 01. Agency Agreements (Video)
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. The Real Estate Agent
- 04. The Agent as Fiduciary
- 05. Fiduciary Duties (Video)
- 06. Scope of Agent's Authority
- 07. Duties to Customers and Clients
- 08. Agency and Brokerage - Are They Synonymous?
- View Additional Activities
- 09. Creation of Agency
- 10. Compensation and Antitrust Laws
- 11. Â Agency Alternatives
- 12. Subagency/Subagent or Buyer's Broker
- 13. Dual Agency
- 14. Consensual Dual Agency - Does it Work?
- 15. RESPA and Referrals (Video)
- 16. Disclosure, RESPA, and Referrals
- 17. Agency Relationships - Single Agency
- 18. Single Agency - Buyer Agents and Offers
- 19. Seller/Landlord Agency
- 20. Termination of Agency
- Exercise #1 - Applying Agency Law (12 questions)
- Exercise #2 - Applying Agency Terminology (1 questions)
- Agency Relationships [1 Activities]
- 01. Agency Relationships (Video)
- Quiz 2 (40 questions)
- Law of Agency - Agency Forms and Disclosures [12 Activities]
- 01. Listing Agreements (Video)
- 02. Contracts and Forms
- 03. The Exclusive Agency Agreement
- 04. Exclusive Right-to-Rent Agreement
- 05. Agency Relationships Disclosure: Dual Agency (Video)
- 06. Disclosure Policy
- 07. §443 (4) Disclosure Forms
- 08. §443 (5) and (6), and §443-A Disclosure Obligations
- View Additional Activities
- 09. Exclusive Right to Represent (Buyer's Broker; Form §§1 - 5)
- 10. Exclusive Right to Represent (Buyer's Broker; Form §§6 - 11)
- 11. Completing the Signature Page
- 12. Dual Agency Disclosure (Video)
- Exercise #1 - Applying Agency Disclosures (7 questions)
- Exercise #2 - Applying Agency Forms (1 questions)
- Summary of Sec.443 [1 Activities]
- 01. Summary of Sec. 443 Disclosure Rules (Video)
- Quiz 3 (30 questions)
- Law of Agency - Activities Applying Agency Law [3 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Activities Applying Agency Law Â
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. Conclusion
- Exercise #1 - Activities Applying Agency Law (18 questions)
- Exercise #2 - Activities Applying Agency Law (11 questions)
- Exercise #3 - Activities Applying Agency Law (17 questions)
- Conclusion to Activities Applying Agency Law [1 Activities]
- 01. Conclusion
- Quiz 4 (30 questions)
- Independent Contractor Employee [8 Activities]
- 01. Independent Contractor and Employee Relationships (Video)
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. The Nature of the Independent Contractor Relationship
- 04. Common Law Independent Contractors and Employees
- 05. 1986 Independent Contractor Laws - New York State
- 06. Compliance with 1986 Law
- 07. Elements of an Independent Contractor Relationship
- 08. Supervision and Recordkeeping
- Exercise #1 - Applying Independent Contractor Employee Lesson (3 questions)
- Managing Independent Contractors [1 Activities]
- 01. Managing Independent Contractors (Video)
- Quiz 5 (10 questions)
- Law of Agency [20 Activities]
- Legal Issues
- Estates and Interests [9 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Estates and Interests (Video)
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. Overview
- 04. Uses of Real Property
- 05. Freehold and Leasehold Estates
- 06. Overview of Ownership and Trusts (Video)
- 07. Forms of Ownership
- 08. Trusts
- 09. Ownership of Real Estate by Business Organizations
- Exercise #1 - Applying Homeownership Interests and Estates (14 questions)
- Exercise #2 - Applying Common Interest Ownership (11 questions)
- Exercise #3 - Applying Business Structures (6 questions)
- Exercise #4 - Applying Ownership Interest Terminology (1 questions)
- Types of Estates [1 Activities]
- 01. Types of Estates (Video)
- Quiz 6 (30 questions)
- Liens and Easements [5 Activities]
- 01. Liens and Easements, Overview of Liens (Video)
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. Encumbrances
- 04. Liens
- 05. Easements
- Exercise #1 - Applying Easements (11 questions)
- Exercise #2 - Applying Liens (6 questions)
- Exercise #3 - Applying Priority of Liens and Other Encumbrance Issues (10 questions)
- Exercise #4 - Applying Water and Other Land Rights (6 questions)
- Exercise #5 - Applying Liens and Easements Terminology (2 questions)
- Non-Possessory Interests in Land [1 Activities]
- 01. Non-Possessory Interests in Land (Video)
- Quiz 7 (25 questions)
- Deeds [8 Activities]
- 01. Deeds (Video)
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. Definition of a Deed
- 04. Overview of Legal Descriptions (Video)
- 05. Legal Descriptions
- 06. Rectangular Survey System
- 07. Forms of Deeds
- 08. Conveyance After Death
- Exercise #1 - Applying Intestate Distribution (6 questions)
- Exercise #2 - Applying Forms of Deeds and Conveyance (6 questions)
- Exercise #3 - Applying Legal Descriptions (6 questions)
- Exercise #4 - Applying Deeds in Detail and in Probate and Estates (13 questions)
- Exercise #5 - Applying Deeds Terminology (1 questions)
- Importance of Surveys in Real Estate Transactions [1 Activities]
- 01. Importance of Surveys in Real Estate Transactions (Video)
- Quiz 8 (25 questions)
- Title, Closing, and Costs [8 Activities]
- 01. Title, Closing, and Costs (Video)
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. Significance of Closing
- 04. Closing Costs and Adjustments
- 05. Insurance and Other Factors
- 06. Integrated Mortgage Disclosures - A National Issue (Video)
- 07. Integrated Mortgage Disclosures
- 08. Rules of Integrated Mortgage Disclosures
- Exercise #1 - Applying Prorating & Closing Costs (6 questions)
- Exercise #2 - Applying Prorating and Closing Costs Part 2 (3 questions)
- Exercise #3 - Applying Titles and Other Closing Documents (6 questions)
- Exercise #4 - Applying Title and Closing Terminology (1 questions)
- Conclusion [1 Activities]
- 01. Conclusion
- Quiz 9 (20 questions)
- Estates and Interests [9 Activities]
- The Contract of Sales and Leases
- Leases [8 Activities]
- 01. Overview of Lease Classifications (Video)
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. Leasehold Estates
- 04. Types of Leases
- 05. Residential Leases
- 06. Emergency Tenant Protection Act: Housing Rental Boards and Luxury Decontrol
- 07. Residential Leases - Other Considerations
- 08. Conclusion
- Quiz 10 (10 questions)
- Contracts [11 Activities]
- 01. Elements and Making of a Contract (Video)
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. Types of Contracts
- 04. Essentials of a Valid Contract
- 05. Contract Clauses (Video)
- 06. Sales Contract
- 07. Personal Property and Binders
- 08. Offers / Purchase Agreements
- View Additional Activities
- 09. Contracts Affecting Brokers
- 10. Statute of Frauds GOL 5-703 sub.2
- 11. Employment Contract
- Quiz 11 (10 questions)
- Contract Preparation [10 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Contract Preparation
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. What Form of Contract to Use
- 04. Data Required for Contract PreparationÂ
- 05. Verifying Property Descriptions
- 06. Who Prepares the Contract?
- 07. The Mortgage Contingency
- 08. The Down Payment
- 09. Contract Procedures
- 10. Customs & Practices Regarding Signing of Contract
- Quiz 12 (10 questions)
- Leases [8 Activities]
- Real Estate Finance
- Real Estate Finance [21 Activities]
- 01. Real Estate Financing
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. Mortgages (Video)
- 04. Mortgages
- 05. Duties of the Mortgagor
- 06. Sale of Property That Has a Mortgage
- 07. Primary Sources of Home Financing
- 08. Adjustable-Rate Mortgages
- View Additional Activities
- 09. Recording of the Mortgage
- 10. General Types of Mortgages
- 11. Mortgage Specific Clauses
- 12. Specific Loans and Payment
- 13. Government-Backed Loans (Video)
- 14. First-Time Homebuyers
- 15. Veterans Administration (VA)
- 16. Other Government Programs
- 17. Secondary Markets
- 18. Truth in Lending (Regulation Z) and Consumer Credit Protection Acts
- 19. Private Mortgage Insurance (Video)
- 20. Lender's Criteria for Granting a Loan
- 21. Lending Standards for Adjustable Rate Mortgages
- Exercise #1 - Applying Real Estate Finance Vocabulary (11 questions)
- Review of TILA-RESPA [1 Activities]
- 01. Review of TILA-RESPA (Video)
- Quiz 13 (40 questions)
- Predatory Lending [7 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Predatory Lending (Video)
- 02. Predatory Lending
- 03. Subprime Loans
- 04. High-Cost Mortgages
- 05. Mortgage Fraud
- 06. Foreclosures Caused by Predatory Lending Practices
- 07. Predatory Lending Laws
- Exercise #1 - Applying Mortgage Fraud (1 questions)
- Mortgage Fraud [1 Activities]
- 01. Mortgage Fraud (Video)
- Quiz 14 (10 questions)
- Real Estate Finance [21 Activities]
- Land Use Regulations
- Land Use Regulations [16 Activities]
- 01. Public Land Use Control (Video)
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. Bundle of Rights and As-of-Right Zoning
- 04. Private Land Use Controls
- 05. State Environmental Quality Review Act
- 06. Police Power
- 07. Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act
- 08. Taxation
- View Additional Activities
- 09. Property and Taxation (Video)
- 10. State Building and Fire Codes Regulations
- 11. Local Authority
- 12. The Planning Board
- 13. Zoning
- 14. Standard Zoning Actions (Video)
- 15. Zoning Board of Appeals
- 16. Local EnforcementÂ
- Exercise #1 - Applying Land Use Regulations (10 questions)
- Private Land Use Control [1 Activities]
- 01. Private Land Use Control (Video)
- Quiz 15 (30 questions)
- Land Use Regulations [16 Activities]
- Construction and Environmental Issues
- Construction, Major Systems, and Warranties [15 Activities]
- 01. General Discussion of Major Systems: HVAC, Plumbing, Electric (Video)
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. Land Use
- 04. Site Requirements
- 05. Structures and Structural Tie of Components
- 06. Energy Efficiency in Construction (Video)
- 07. Energy Efficiencies
- 08. Major Systems Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC); Plumbing and Electrical
- View Additional Activities
- 09. Heat Pumps
- 10. Plumbing
- 11. Electrical
- 12. Mandated Guarantees and Warranties
- 13. Basics of Construction
- 14. Construction Loans
- 15. Functions of Warranties and Homeowners Insurance (Video)
- Quiz 16 (20 questions)
- Environmental Issues [17 Activities]
- 01. Environmental Issues (Video)
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. Longstanding and Contemporary Environmental Issues
- 04. Long Standing Issues - Familiar to All
- 05. Private Wells and Water Management (Video)
- 06. Private Wells
- 07. Drinking Water and Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA)
- 08. Private Sewage Disposal Systems
- View Additional Activities
- 09. Wood Destroying Insects
- 10. Contemporary Environmental Issues - Asbestos
- 11. Overview of the Environmental Impact of Lead (Video)
- 12. Contemporary Environmental Issues - Lead
- 13. Contemporary Environmental Issues - Radon and Toxic Waste in Soils
- 14. PCBs, Indoor Air, and Other Environmental Concerns
- 15. Environmental Issues (EMF, CFCÂ’s and Mold)
- 16. The AgentÂ’s Role
- 17. The Environmental Issue of Mold in Real Estate (Video)
- Quiz 17 (30 questions)
- Construction, Major Systems, and Warranties [15 Activities]
- Valuation Process and Pricing Properties
- Valuation Process and Pricing Properties [15 Activities]
- 01. Valuation Process and Pricing Properties (Video)
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. Basics of Appraisal
- 04. Appraisal, Valuation, and Evaluation
- 05. Value, Price, and Cost
- 06. Comparative Market Analysis
- 07. Residential Market Analysis
- 08. Salesperson's Role
- View Additional Activities
- 09. Highest and Best Use (Video)
- 10. Highest and Best Use
- 11. Site Valuation
- 12. Pricing Properties
- 13. Compiling a CMA (Video)
- 14. Preparing a CMA
- 15. Conclusion
- Quiz 18 (30 questions)
- Valuation Process and Pricing Properties [15 Activities]
- Real Estate Mathematics
- Real Estate Mathematics [9 Activities]
- 01. Introduction to Real Estate Mathematics
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. Percentages
- 04. Interest
- 05. Appreciation and Depreciation
- 06. Discount Points
- 07. Calculating Area and Length
- 08. Basic Mortgage Qualifying
- 09. Rates
- Quiz 19 (10 questions)
- Real Estate Mathematics [9 Activities]
- Municipal Agencies
- Municipal Agencies [18 Activities]
- 01. Municipal Agencies (Video)
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. Local Governments in New York
- 04. City/Town Council
- 05. Village Board of Trustees
- 06. Planning Boards
- 07. Zoning (Video)
- 08. Zoning Board of Appeals
- View Additional Activities
- 09. Architectural Review Board
- 10. Conservation Advisory Council
- 11. Historic Preservation
- 12. Building Department
- 13. Planning Department
- 14. Tax Assessor
- 15. Receiver of Taxes/Treasurer
- 16. City/Town/Village Engineer
- 17. County Health Department
- 18. Historic Districts (Video)
- Quiz 20 (20 questions)
- Municipal Agencies [18 Activities]
- Proctored Exam Preparation
- Proctored Exam Preparation
- Property Insurance
- Property Insurance [9 Activities]
- 01. Overview of Property Insurance (Video)
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. The Purpose of Property Insurance
- 04. Choices in Purchasing Property Insurance
- 05. Standard Coverages and More
- 06. Policy Forms – HO-1 through HO-8
- 07. Amounts and Methods of Coverage
- 08. Real Estate Agents Role
- 09. The Property Insurance and Policy Forms (Video)
- Quiz 21 (10 questions)
- Property Insurance [9 Activities]
- Licensee Safety
- Licensee Safety [9 Activities]
- 01. Licensee Safety (Video)
- 02. General Safety Concerns
- 03. Safety on the Road and at Home
- 04. Showings and Open Houses (Video)
- 05. Going to the Showing
- 06. Licensee Safety Issues - Information and Identity Theft
- 07. Liability Issues with Accidents, Incidents, & Injuries
- 08. Risk Reduction
- 09. Cyber Security (Video)
- Quiz 22 (10 questions)
- Licensee Safety [9 Activities]
- Taxes and Assessments
- Taxes and Assessments [20 Activities]
- 01. Taxes and Assessments (Video)
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. Purpose of Taxation
- 04. Why Tax Land and Improvements?
- 05. Calculation of Real Estate Taxes
- 06. Assessed Value
- 07. Tax Rate
- 08. Various Taxing Jurisdictions
- View Additional Activities
- 09. Equalization
- 10. Special Assessment Districts
- 11. Exemptions
- 12. Protesting Assessments
- 13. Tax Assessor and Assessments (Video)
- 14. Property Assessment Process
- 15. Grievance Board
- 16. Small Claims Assessment Review
- 17. Protesting Commercial Property Assessments
- 18. Tax Liens
- 19. Agent Responsibilities
- 20. Conclusion
- Quiz 23 (30 questions)
- Taxes and Assessments [20 Activities]
- Condominiums and Cooperatives
- Condominiums and Cooperatives [23 Activities]
- 01. Condominiums and Cooperatives (Video)
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. Condominiums
- 04. Issues Specific to Condos (Video)
- 05. Bylaws
- 06. New Development Condominiums
- 07. Letters of Intent
- 08. Price Changes
- View Additional Activities
- 09. Certificates of Occupancy (Video)
- 10. Flipping/Simultaneous Closings DeveloperÂ’s Policy
- 11. Title Issues in Purchase of Condominiums
- 12. Closing Costs
- 13. BuyerÂ’s Financial Ability to Purchase a Co-Op or Condo Residence
- 14. Cooperatives (Video)
- 15. Cooperative Ownership
- 16. History of Co-Ops
- 17. Due Diligence Issues
- 18. Membership Privileges and Responsibilities
- 19. Documents Needed by Agent for Sale/Purchase of Coops
- 20. Cooperative Board Application and Interview Preparation
- 21. Primary Residency vs. Subletting Issues in Co-op
- 22. Define and Differentiate a “Condop” from a Condominium and Cooperative Property
- 23. Conclusion
- Quiz 24 (40 questions)
- Condominiums and Cooperatives [23 Activities]
- Commercial and Investment Properties
- Commercial and Investment Properties - Part A [21 Activities]
- 01. Commercial and Investment Properties (Video)
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. Characteristics of Real Property Investments
- 04. Benefits of Real Estate Investment
- 05. Risk
- 06. Risk vs. Reward (Video)
- 07. Liquidity
- 08. Leveraging
- View Additional Activities
- 09. Pitfalls of Leveraging (Video)
- 10. Financing for Commercial Properties vs Residential Properties
- 11. Investment Timing
- 12. Developing an Investment Strategy
- 13. Due Diligence
- 14. Origination of Real Estate Syndication (Video)
- 15. Real Estate Syndication
- 16. Real Estate Securities
- 17. Taxation - Â Business Properties Outside of New York City
- 18. Taxation - Mixed-use Properties Outside of New York City
- 19. Taxation - Industrial and Commercial Properties Inside of New York City
- 20. Taxation - Â Mixed-use Properties Inside of New York City
- 21. Overview of Risk, Liquidity, and Leveraging (Video)
- Quiz 25 (40 questions)
- Commercial and Investment Properties - Part B [18 Activities]
- 01. Types of Investment Properties (Video)
- 02. Investment Properties
- 03. Unimproved Land
- 04. Office Building(s)
- 05. Residential Building(s)
- 06. Mixed Use Buildings/Mixed-use Properties
- 07. Retail
- 08. Hospitality
- View Additional Activities
- 09. Manufacturing Buildings
- 10. Loft Buildings
- 11. Picking an Investment Niche
- 12. Diversification
- 13. Benefits of Diversification (Video)
- 14. Ownership/Leases
- 15. Land Rights (Video)
- 16. Ownership in Land Continued
- 17. Commercial, Industrial, and Income Property
- 18. Zoning, Land Use, Environmental Issues, Architecture, Design and Construction
- Exercise #1 - Applying Ownership and Leases (11 questions)
- Questions Investors Should Ask Before Investing [1 Activities]
- 01. Questions Investors Should Ask Before Investing (Video)
- Quiz 26 (30 questions)
- Commercial and Investment Properties - Part C [10 Activities]
- 01. Overview of Investing in Real Estate (Video)
- 02. Property Analysis
- 03. Valuation Overview via Capitalization
- 04. 1031 Exchanges
- 05. Basics of a 1031 Exchange (Video)
- 06. Leases
- 07. Lease Clauses
- 08. Types of Investors (Video)
- 09. Lease Escalation Clauses
- 10. Anatomy of a Transaction
- Exercise #1 - Applying Percentage Lease (17 questions)
- Exercise #2 - Applying Knowledge on Lease Types (10 questions)
- Cash Flow VS. Net Operating Income [1 Activities]
- 01. Cash Flow VS. Net Operating Income (Video)
- Quiz 27 (30 questions)
- Commercial and Investment Properties - Part A [21 Activities]
- Income Tax Issues in Real Estate Transactions
- Income Tax Issues in Real Estate Transactions [12 Activities]
- 01. Overview of Real Estate and Income Taxes (Video)
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997
- 04. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (Video)
- 05. Federal Income Tax Treatment
- 06. Capital Gains Taxes (Video)
- 07. Capital Gains
- 08. Like-Kind Exchanges (1031 Exchange)
- View Additional Activities
- 09. Federal Tax Rules on Acquisition and Subsequent Financing
- 10. Low Income Housing Incentives
- 11. Depreciation
- 12. Conclusion
- Quiz 28 (30 questions)
- Income Tax Issues in Real Estate Transactions [12 Activities]
- Mortgage Brokerage
- Mortgage Brokerage [10 Activities]
- 01. Mortgage Brokers vs. Bankers (Video)
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. What is a Mortgage Broker?
- 04. Requirements and Responsibilities of a Mortgage Broker
- 05. Mortgage Brokers and Bankers
- 06. Maintaining Surety Bond (Video)
- 07. Maintaining Licensure
- 08. Role of a Mortgage Broker in Real Estate Transactions
- 09. Supervisory Oversight
- 10. Conclusion
- Quiz 29 (10 questions)
- Mortgage Brokerage [10 Activities]
- Property Management
- Property Management [11 Activities]
- 01. Property Management (Video)
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. What is Property Management?
- 04. The Management Agreement
- 05. Skills Required of a Property Manager
- 06. Crime Prevention (Video)
- 07. Differences Between Markets
- 08. Obligations to Owner
- View Additional Activities
- 09. The Management Field
- 10. Example Property Management Records
- 11. Conclusion (Video)
- Quiz 30 (20 questions)
- Property Management [11 Activities]
- Human Rights and Fair Housing
- Human Rights and Fair Housing [22 Activities]
- 01. History and Purpose of Fair Housing (Video)
- 02. Key Terms
- 03. Fair Housing
- 04. Legislative Updates
- 05. Key Terms for Implicit Bias
- 06. Examining Implicit Bias
- 07. Broker's and Salesperson's Responsibilities
- 08. Federal Laws - Background and History
- View Additional Activities
- 09. Federal Laws - Acts, Regulations, & Court Decisions
- 10. New York State Law [Human Rights Law §§290-292(11)]
- 11. New York State Law [Human Rights Law §§292(12) ]
- 12. New York Human Rights Law §§293-296
- 13. New York City Commission on Human Rights
- 14. Types of Discrimination (Video)
- 15. Types of Discrimination
- 16. Penalties
- 17. Cease and Desist Lists and Nonsolicitation Orders
- 18. Housing Credit Discrimination
- 19. Community Reinvestment
- 20. Introduction to Real Estate Ethics
- 21. The NAR® Code of Ethics
- 22. The NAR® Code of Ethics: Article 1 and 2
- Exercise #1 - The Fair Housing Agent Role-Playing Activity Part 1 (7 questions)
- Exercise #2 - The Fair Housing Agent Role-Playing Activity Part 2 (11 questions)
- Exercise #3 - Anti-bias Addition Activity (4 questions)
- New York Fair Housing Conclusion [1 Activities]
- 01. New York Fair Housing Conclusion (Video)
- Quiz 31 (40 questions)
- Quiz 31.5 (20 questions)
- Human Rights and Fair Housing [22 Activities]
- Final Exam
- Proctor Information [2 Activities]
- 01. Approved Final Exam Locations
- End of cluster
- Student and Proctor Agreement
- Final Exam (75 questions)
- Proctor Information [2 Activities]
- Practice Exams
- New York Real Estate Salesperson Practice Exam 1 (100 questions)
- New York Real Estate Salesperson Practice Exam 2 (100 questions)
- New York Real Estate Salesperson Practice Exam 3 (100 questions)
- Course Completion
- Mandatory Questionnaire
- Certificate of Completion
- Guaranteed Next-Day Reporting
Instructor Bio

Sheri Wytcherley is the instructor for many of our real estate courses. She is a chart-topping principal broker and has been a passionate real estate educator since 2012. See more details about Sheri's background here.
Course Reviews
7 Reviews