
Oklahoma 1 Hour Codes & Rules

  • 1 Hour Course
  • 4.6 185 Reviews
  • $10.00

This course, which is one piece of the mandatory classes for license renewal in Oklahoma, cover the statutes and regulations of Oklahoma, including:

  • the historical background and evolution of property laws in Oklahoma
  • the sources of legal authority for Oklahoma
  • how to locate and research Oklahoma state laws and regulations
  • a look into Oklahoma licensing and the real estate commission, and
  • updates to pertinent codes and regulations


Plus, we'll cover the all critical issue of knowing when you're dispensing bona fide real estate expertise, and when you're in danger of crossing over into another profession, especially law - all essential to your real estate license renewal.

  • Course ID(s): 177136
  • Approved By: Oklahoma Real Estate Commission

Instructor Bio

sheri wytcherley real estate atyourpaceonline

Sheri Wytcherley is the instructor for many of our real estate courses. She is a chart-topping principal broker and a passionate teacher with more than five years of experience as a real estate educator. See more details about Sheri’s background here.

Course Reviews

185 Reviews