
Mortgage loan originators in Oregon can meet their 2-hour state-specific elective requirement toward their 10-Hours of required continuing education credits for their annual license renewal with this course. The 2024 update includes some newer topics, such as the use of assumed business names and professional accreditations. 

Plus, we'll look at some of the basic topics for MLOs, including: 

  • A look at the mortgage lending regulatory scheme including the Oregon state and national SAFE Acts 
  • Licensing and renewal requirements for mortgage loan professionals 
  • Mortgage loan origination practice basics and updates 
  • Important disclosures and advertising regulations, and  
  • Some specifically prohibited practices 

And that's to touch on but a few of the subjects covered here. So, sign up now and get your annual renewal going now with At Your Pace Online.

  • Course ID(s): 16239
  • Approved By: NMLS

Instructor Bio

Mary Tillery real estate atyourpaceonline instructor

Mary Tillery is the instructor for all of our MLO continuing education courses. She has been sharing her expertise with fellow mortgage loan originators for more than 35 years as a lending educator. Learn more about Mary’s background here.