
South Carolina 4 Hour Elective- A Walk Through the Law

  • 4 Hour Course
  • 4.7 114 Reviews
  • $36.00

This 4-hour course covers the following:

  • Reviewing where to find license law and how to navigate it through an example
  • Explanation of specific definitions of common words in license law 
  • The purpose and duties of the SC Real Estate Commission
  • Definitions of more specific words
  • Duties of Brokers-in-Charge, Brokers, and Associated Licensees
  • Trust accounting regulations
  • Licensure Requirements
  • The types of permissible Brokerage Relationships and the Disclosure of Brokerage Relationships form
  • Duties to customers and clients
  • The difference between dual and designated agency
  • Rules regarding real estate teams'
  • Terminating agency relationships and duties owed to clients after termination
  •  Property Managers, and Property Managers-in-Charge
  • Misconduct and Grounds for Discipline

The course will begin with a review of how to navigate the South Carolina Code of Laws, with an example that allows them to search for specific information within the code. In this section we also use tables to define some common words that have specific meanings within the code.

Then we move into the code and begin talking about the purpose and duties of the real estate commission and the importance of what they do.

After that, we go back into definitions that are found inside the code and use a matching activity to help solidify those definitions in their mind. 

In the section about the duties of Brokers-in-Charge, associated licensees, and brokers we detail the many responsibilities of the B.I.C. and how they differ from the responsibilities of associated licensees.

The trust accounting section is similar as many of the trust account guidelines pertain to the broker-in-charge as they are the ones liable for trust accounts. But we also discuss time frames for submitting earnest money to the B.I.C.

The licensure section is the beginning of Article 3. We go into detail about the specific educational requirements for initial applicants and for renewal applicants. We discuss any exceptions to the educational requirements as well.

We then move into talking about the different types of brokerage relationships that firms are allowed to offer. 

After that, we discuss the duties owed to seller and buyer clients briefly and then move into discussing dual and designated agency at more length and making sure the students understand the difference between the two types of agency.

After that, we discuss the difference between the duties owed to customers versus clients and how a customer becomes a client. We have an activity with a table for the students to fill in with the different duties.

Wrapping up article 3 we discuss the rules regarding real estate teams and the Disclosure of Brokerage Relationships form. 

Article 5 is all about property managers and property managers-in-charge and the different rules they must adhere to. We talk a little bit about the rules regarding the management of residential multi units.

Finally, we go into article 7 which is about misconduct and the different grounds for discipline that exist for licensees. 

This course does not have a final exam. Instead, there are four incremental exams between sections of content. This is done so that the information is still fresh when students are quizzed on what they have learned. Each exam asks 10 questions. 

There are also various exercises for students to be more involved in the course. These exercises are placed between sections of content, and around the incremental exams. 

  • Course ID(s): REC3417
  • Approved By: SC Real Estate Commission

Instructor Bio

sheri wytcherley real estate atyourpaceonline

Sheri Wytcherley is the instructor for many of our real estate courses. She is a chart-topping principal broker and has been a passionate real estate educator since 2012. See more details about Sheri's background here.

Course Reviews

114 Reviews