
Utah 12 Hour New Agent Course

  • 12 Hour Course
  • 4.6 484 Reviews
  • $99.00

This course was crafted with the newly licensed real estate agent in mind, providing a simple, yet thorough way to satisfy the core education requirement for renewing your license.

This package includes:

  • Agency Basics
  • Ethics, Professionalism, and Communication
  • Real Estate Purchase Contract Basics
  • Proper Pricing and Valuation
  • Federal and State Laws

Under the first topic, we'll discuss the basics of agency, fiduciary responsibilities as an agent, and proper use of agency disclosure forms.

The second topic explains what ethics is, including ethical concepts and terminology. Why ethics matter, the legal enforcement of ethics, and how ethics make a better society are examined. The importance of communication is also emphasized here.

Contract law and the Real Estate Purchase Contract are featured next. Basic elements of a contract are outlined. For the REPC, ways that the buyer can cancel and what happens if they do is analyzed.

In the proper pricing and valuation section, the Comparative Market Analysis is detailed, along with assessing the market and offers, and methods for estimating value. Next is a series of federally mandated laws governing lead-based paint disclosure, fair housing, prohibited rebates between certain settlement service providers, and antitrust laws. An hour on Utah specific state laws comes after. Then, all these topics are put into perspective with a series on safety and real world practice.

  • Course ID(s): RA240212
  • Approved By: Utah Division of Real Estate

Instructor Bio

sheri wytcherley real estate atyourpaceonline

Sheri Wytcherley is the instructor for many of our real estate courses. She is a chart-topping principal broker and has been a passionate real estate educator since 2012. See more details about Sheri's background here.

Course Reviews

484 Reviews