
Utah Complete 18 Hour Renewal Package

  • 18 Hour Course
  • 4.5 841 Reviews
  • $129.00

This package was crafted with the real estate agent in mind, providing a simple, yet thorough way to satisfy the core education requirement for renewing your license.

This package includes:

  • Utah 3 Hour Mandatory Residential Core Course
  • Utah 6 Hour Core Course
  • Utah 9 Hour Real Estate Elective

The package begins with the 3 Hour Residential Mandatory Core Course. This course has three main study areas:

  • Agency Basics
  • Real Estate Purchase Contract Basics
  • Code Updates and Industry Issues

Under the first topic, we're going to cover the agent fiduciary duties and limited agency. Limited agency can result in a tricky situation when dealing with both the buyer and the seller, so we go in depth on what exactly limited agency is, and the rules that govern this complicated form of agency.

The second topic includes the basics of the Real Estate Purchase Contract, covering a variety of topics. The conditions of purchase section explains each of the ways that the buyer can cancel the REPC, and what happens if they do.

The final topic explains self-reporting requirements, the new Rap Back enrollment requirement, and a very important current issue: wire fraud. Wire fraud has become a huge problem not only nationwide, but also here in Utah. In our section on the subject in the course, we dive into what wire fraud is, and include the Utah Department of Commerce tips on wire fraud prevention.

The second 6 Hour Core Course includes two main study areas: 

  • Real Estate Ethics
  • Errors and Omissions

These two main areas include a variety of topic sections. The first section explains what ethics is, as well as ethical concepts and terminology. The next section covers why ethics matter, talking about the legal enforcement of ethics, and ethics being used to make a better society.

The next section continues ethical duties, covering topics such as duties to workers, duties to society, and duties to the principal. The section also covers ethical situations in advertising, listings, closing, renting, etc.

From there, we move into errors and omissions, and start that section off with a discussion of misrepresentation, negligence, fraud, and mistakes. The next section continues the discussion on common types of problems, explaining negligence and fraud further, including information on improper contracts, disloyalty, agent performing outside of their scope, and undisclosed conflict of interest.

The final section is on prevention and mitigation, placing a special focus on how the agent can protect themselves from errors and omissions through education, due diligence, and written contracts. It continues by explaining E&O insurance, and specific topics such as state law and duty to defend that are pertinent to this insurance.

The third, 9 hour course includes three main study topics:

  • Financing
  • Equality in Real Estate
  • Marketing and Transferring a Property

The course will begin with a discussion of loan programs that exist to assist homebuyers, including government programs like FHA and VA loans. It'll also talk about the history of fair housing issues, the laws that have been put in place to ensure equality to access of to safe housing and the anti-discrimination laws that affect housing selection.

We'll also review advertising regulations that licensees need to remember as they market their services, and talk about how to create a marketing plan. After covering the listing and sales agreement used in real estate transactions, we'll conclude the course, finishing off the package.

There are a total of nine quizzes that each ask 3 questions throughout the course, as well as in-text questions at the end of each lesson. These are meant to help you understand and retain the material.

  • Course ID(s): MR191156, RC191157, R190912
  • Approved By: Utah Division of Real Estate

Instructor Bio

sheri wytcherley real estate atyourpaceonline

Sheri Wytcherley is the instructor for many of our real estate courses. She is a chart-topping principal broker and has been a passionate real estate educator since 2012. See more details about Sheri's background here.

Course Reviews

841 Reviews