
Michigan Real Estate Continuing Education

Complete your continuing education to renew your Michigan real estate license today. All of our courses can be completed At Your Pace Online in order to help you maintain your license. Once you complete your class you will have an official certificate of completion available to print or save for your records.

We are an approved online prelicense education provider for the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA) - Professional Licensing (Provider # 490), and are approved by CEMarketplace to offer continuing education.


Michigan Fair Housing

clock hour icon 1h course

Real estate professionals in Michigan can satisfy their state-specific requirement for continuing education on fair housing law with this 1-hour course. Topics covered will include the Fair Housing Act, recent statutory amendments, the fair housing complaint process, and how to advertise in compliance with the Fair Housing Act.

4.4 309 Reviews

Michigan Real Estate 6 Hour Renewal Package

clock hour icon 6h course

This packages meets requirements for your annual continuing education requirement.

  • Fair Housing
  • Legal Updates
  • Record Keeping


Michigan 4 Hour Elective Course A: Investment

clock hour icon 4h course

This is a 4 hour course of elective training for real estate brokers and salespersons in Michigan. The primary focus of this course is investment in real property. This course will also talk about how property values are determined and the taxation of real estate.

4.6 118 Reviews

Michigan 4 Hour Elective Course C: Record-keeping

clock hour icon 4h course

This course of elective content contains 4 hours of education about records and recordkeeping. This course will provide real estate brokers and salespersons in Michigan with training on the creation, handling, and disposal of financial records, listing files, transaction records, and property management records.

4.6 55 Reviews

Michigan 4 Hour Elective Course B: Professional Ethics

clock hour icon 4h course

This 4 hour electives course is a discussion of ethics and ethical behavior. Real estate brokers and salespersons in Michigan who complete this course will gain training on such subjects as ethical concepts, the importance of ethics, and ethical duties.

4.8 71 Reviews

Michigan 4 Hour Real Estate Electives

clock hour icon 4h course

This 4 hour course will cover one year of elective Continuing Education credits for your Michigan Real Estate Broker and Salesperson license. The course includes instruction on Contract law, Errors and omissions, Integrated Mortgage Disclosures and Supervision and management techniques.

4.8 125 Reviews

Michigan Fair Housing II

clock hour icon 1h course

Real estate professionals in Michigan can satisfy their state-specific requirement for continuing education on fair housing law with this 1-hour course. Topics covered will include the Fair Housing Act, recent statutory amendments, the fair housing complaint process, and how to advertise in compliance with the Fair Housing Act.

4.6 55 Reviews

Michigan Fair Housing III

clock hour icon 1h course

Real estate professionals in Michigan can satisfy their state-specific requirement for annual continuing education on fair housing laws with this course. Topics covered will include recent amendments to the federal Fair Housing Act; the role of testing programs; customer service and best practices for compliance; and court case studies.

4.5 46 Reviews

Michigan Real Estate Legal Updates 2023

clock hour icon 2h course

This 2-hour legal update provides insights to recent developments in real estate-related laws, regulations, and court decisions. Completing this course provides the two hours of legal updates required annually. Critical subject matters covered include but are not limited to discharge of prohibited restrictive covenants, county recording fees, Residential and Attainable Housing Facilities Acts, signage pertaining to persons with disabilities, principal residence exemptions, and the power of the “as is” and integration clauses to name but a few. Sign up today and get your renewal under way!

4.6 106 Reviews

Michigan Legal Updates 2025

clock hour icon 2h course

This 2 hour class fulfills the annual Legal Updates requirements for real estate professionals in Michigan. This class covers a number of topics including recently passed laws, civil rights and fair housing, pollution and PFAs, state environmental laws, and recent court cases related to real estate and the real estate industry.

4.5 38 Reviews

Michigan 2 Hour 2024 Legal Updates

clock hour icon 2h course

This 2-hour legal update provides insights to recent developments in real estate-related laws, regulations, and court decisions. Critical subject matters covered include but are not limited to state clarification and expansion of anti-discrimination protections and protected classes; added authority for local governments to promote redevelopment of brownfields; and added authority for local jurisdictions pertaining to the Property Assessed Clean Energy Act, to name only a few. Don't miss out on this update, sign up today and get your renewal under way!

4.4 146 Reviews

Michigan Real Estate License Renewal Dates and Continuing Education Requirements

Michigan Real Estate licensees must renew their license every three years from the date of issuance.

To renew, you're required to complete a total of 6 continuing education (CE) credit hours per year for a total of 18 hours during each three-year period. This requirement includes:

  • 2 credit hours per year related to real estate law, rules, and court cases - 6 hours per renewal cycle
  • 1 credit hour per year related to fair housing - 3 hours per renewal cycle
  • 3 credit hours per year in any subject about management, operation, and practice of real estate - 9 hours per renewal cycle


Information on Final Exams

You must pass a final exam for each course with a score of 75% or higher for CE credit hours to be accepted. You may retake the final exam as many times as necessary to receive a passing score.


Class Sample